Jubileusz tematem konkursu w Azerbejdżanie
|Bayram Hajizadeh, prezydent Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union zaprasza do udziału w organizowanym w Azerbejdżanie The IX “Molla Nasreddin”- Azerbaijan – 2018” International Cartoon Contest. Tematem konkursu jest „Jubileusz”. Konkurs rozpisany został w dwóch kategoriach. W pierwszej organizatorzy oczekują na prace dotyczące jubileuszu 10-lecia konkursu „Molla Nasreddin”. W drugiej rysunki powinny traktować o urodzinach, a to dlatego, że w tym roku jubileusz 50-lecia obchodzi Bayram Hajizadeh.
Prace należy wysyłać na internetowy adres: mollanasreddin2018@gmail.com. Każdy rysownik może zgłosić do konkursu od 2 do 5 prac. Termin zgłaszania prac – 10 październik br.
Aktualnie na liście uczestników konkursu jest jeden rysownik z Polski – Jacek Majcherkiewicz.
Więcej informacji w regulaminie poniżej. Karta zgłoszenia do pobrania ze strony > http://www.azercartoon.com/Entry_form_2018y.htm
The IX “Molla Nasreddin”- Azerbaijan – 2018” International Cartoon Contest.
1.“Jubilee” (“Molla Nasreddin” Cartoon Contest is 10 years old).
2. Happy birthday. “Jubilee” (I’m 50 years old).
Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union announces “Molla Nasreddin” – Azerbaijan – 2018” International Cartoon Contest.
2018 – is the year of the 10th anniversary of the “Molla Nasreddin”- Azerbaijan” International Cartoon Contest. On this occasion the theme of the “Molla Nasreddin” International Cartoon Contest organized in 2018 is “Jubilee”.
The IX International Cartoon Contest is held by the support of Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Azerbaijan Artists’ Union and Federation of Cartoonists Organizations.
The Terms of the Contest:
1. The topic of the Contest:
I. “Jubilee” (“Molla Nasreddin” Cartoon Contest is 10 years old).
II. Happy birthday. “Jubilee” (I’m 50 years old).
2. You can write and send us your wishes, thoughts, offers and comments beside your cartoon and caricature works.
Your comments will be published together with your cartoons in the Album of the Contest.
3. The Contest is held via internet.
4. The size of cartoon works must be in 300 dpi on jpg. Send them to this email:
5. Each cartoonist can send 2-5 works.
6. Cartoon works will be appreciated by the International Jury.
7. Deadline of the acceptance of works: 10 October 2018.
8. A catalogue consisting of the best cartoons of the Contest will be published.
I Place – gold medal and diploma
II Place – silver medal and diploma
III Place – bronze medal and diploma
Special Award by Jury
Special Award by Azerbaijan Artists’ Union
Special Award by Azerbaijan Cartoon Center
Bayram Hajizadeh
The Organizer of the International Cartoon Contest
“Molla Nasreddin” – Azerbaijan – 2018” and
the President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union.
AZ1009, Baku, Azerbaijan
Salatin Asgarova street 86 (Shirvanshah),
E-mail: azercartoon@gmail.com