Wyniki międzynarodowych konkursów rysunku satyrycznego – rok 2015

Aktualizacja – 12.11.2015
Brain Sneezing International Cartoon Contest.2015 / Slovakia
First prize: Mahmood AZADNIA, Iran
Second prize: Carlos David FUENTES, Cuba
Third prize: Krzysztof GRZONDZIEL, Poland
Honorary prizes ex aequo:
– Oleg GUTSOL, Ukraine – honorary prize by the head of the jury
– Jacek FRACKIEWICZ, Poland – honorary prize of the Beer Gallery
– Valeri TARASENKO, the Russian Federation – a honorary prize of the Kremnicke gagy festival and nomination
– Pawel KUCZYNSKI, Poland – a honorary prize of the Cartoon Gallery
– Petry and Crisan PETRISAN, Romania – a honorary prize of the MyMamy NGO
– Daniel STRZELCZYK, Poland – a honorary prize of the Pirana Gallery
XIII Concurso Internacional de Humor Grafico sobre Nuevas Tecnologias – España / Spain
First Prize: Sergio Calderon Taipe – Ecuador
Second Prize: Vladimir Kazanevsky – Ukraine
Third Prize: Juan Antonio Jimenez Perez – Spain
Fourth Prize: Luis Eduardo Leon – Colombia
Fifth Prize: Helder Teixeira Peleja – Portugal
International Cartoon Festival Ymittos / Greece
1st Prize: Dimitrios Laggas, Greece
2nd Prize: Mario Russo, Italy
3rd Prize: Sotiris Tassiopoulos, Greece
4th Prize: Leonard Grabowski, Poland
5th Prize: Ayat Naderi, Iran
Prize of Visitors: Cristina Bernazzani, Italy
Abdul Aziz Ali, Malaysia
Ajin Mohan, India
Athanassiadis Loukas, Greece
Didie Sri Widiyanto, Indonesia
Fousteris Nikos, Greece
Kyriakidis Michael, Greece
Nikola Otas, Serbia
Norberto Vecchio, Argentina
Cristina Bernazzani, Italy
Stanila Liviu, Romania
Second Biannual Global Coach & Bus Cartoon Contest (Global Mobility Cartoon Contest ) / Belgium
First prize – Doru Axinte (Romania)
Second prize – Ashraf Kara (Egypt)
Third prize – Steven Van Den Broeck (Belgium)
10th International – National Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2014-2015 / Turkey
First Prize: Musa Gumus -Turkey
Second Prize: Cemalettin Güzeloğlu – Turkey
Third Prize: Andrzej Pacult – USA / Poland
Selecteds – mentions:
Nuhsal Isen – Turkey
Atefeh Yaryan – Iran
Turan Aksoy – Turkey
Luka Lagator – Montenegro
Luc Descheemaeker – Belgium
First International Kosova Cartoon Festival 2015 / Prishtine, Kosova
FIRST PRIZE: Petar Pismestrovic – Croatia
SECOND PRIZE: Carlos David Fuentes – Cuba
THIRD PRIZE: Saman Torbi – Iran
SPECIAL PRIZE: Marcin Bondarowicz – Poland
SPECIAL PRIZE: Mehdi Azizi – Iran
SPECIAL PRIZE: Omer Cam – Turkey
SPECIAL PRIZE: Arhstides Esteban Hernandez Guerrero (ARES) – Cuba
SPECIAL PRIZE: Amir Soheili – Iran
International Cartoon Contest “Ciudad de las Ideas 2015” / Mexico
First prize: Silvano Mello / Brazil
Second prize: Marilena Nardi / Italy
Third prize: Sayed Ali Miraee / Iran
Honorable mention: Elena Ospina / Colombia
Honorable mention: Bernard Bouton / France
Honorable mention: Pedro Molina / Nicaragua
First International Graphic Humour Competition about Labour Rights, Spain 2015
First Prize: Galym Boranbayev / Kazakhstan
Second Prize: Liviu Stanila / Romania
Third Prize: Ferran Martin / Spain
Special Prizes
“Union Repression”: Galym Ehsan Ehsan / Iran
“Social Economy”: Todorovic Bobisa / Serbia
“Labous Security and Health”: David Vela / Spain
“Labour and Family Conciliation”: Doru Axinte / Romania
The International Festival in Ferrara – A cartoon for Europe 2015 / Italy
First Prize: Marilena Nardi / Italy
Second Prize: Tom Janssen / Holland
Third Prize: Marco De Angelis / Italy
8th International Biennial “Masters of Caricature” – Plovdiv’2015 / Bulgaria
Prizes: “Masters of caricature”:
Marina Gorelova (Belarus)
Konstantin Atanasov (Bulgaria)
Trayko Popov (Bulgaria)
Halit Kurtulmus (Turkey)
Luka Lagator (Montenegro)
Hule Hanušić (Austria)
Bozo Stefanovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Veselin Zidarov (Bulgaria)
Dilyana Nikolova (Bulgaria)
Zhivka Kisyova (Bulgaria)
Miroslav Bozhkov (Bulgaria)
Osvaldo da Silva Costa (Brazil)
Georgiou Grigoris (Greece)
Vladimir Semerenko (Russia)
Dmitry Kononov (Russia)
Mehmet Zeber (Turkey)
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan)
David Evžen (Czech Republic)
Darko Drljević (Montenegro)
Special award of the rector of UARD – Plovdiv, Prof., Dr. Eng. Dimitar Dimitrov:
Gennadiy Nazarov (Ukraine)
First Awards:
Angel Boligan, Mexico
Oleksiy Kustovsky (Kusto), Ukraine
Jordan Pop-Iliev, Macedonia
6th Cartoonale „De Geus” 2015 / Belgium
1st Prize: Luc Descheemaeker – Belgium
2nd Prize: Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz – Poland
3th Priz: Frank Hoffmann – Germany
4th Prize: Miroslav Barvircak – Slovakia
5th Prize: Haidari Natalija – Belgium
Honorable mention:
Vladimir Kazanevsky – Ukraine
Doede Ockema – Holland
Jean Van Spittael – Belgium
International Aylan Cartoon & Illustration Exhibition – 2015 / Iran
Selected in Cartoon Section:
Alireza Zakeri – Iran / Trophy and Honorable mention
Jitet Koestana – Indonesia / Trophy and Honrable mention
Dereck Bruno Lopes Teixeira – Brazil / Trophy and Honrable mention
Selected in illustration Section:
Marco D’Agostino – Italy / Trophy and Honrable mention
Aristides Esteban Hernandez Guerrero – Cuba / Trophy and Honrable mention
Shahram Shirzadi – Iran / Trophy and Honrable mention
Saman Torabi – Iran / honorable mention
Moises-Macedo-Coutinho – Brazil / honorable mention
Mauricio Parra Herran – Colombia / honorable mention
Marcin Bondarowicz – Poland / honorable mention
Mahnaz Yazdani – Iran / honorable mention
Mahmood Azadnia – Iran / honorable mention
Mehdi Azizi – Iran / honorable mention
Jaber Asadi – Iran / honorable mention
Iman Nouri Najafi – Iran / honorable mention
Erdogan Karayel – Turkey / honorable mention
Eray Ozbek – Turkey / honorable mention
Efat Amajadipoor – Iran / honorable mention
Agim Krasniqi – Kosova / honorable mention
Shahram Rezai – Iran / honorable mention
Masoud Mahini – Iran / honorable mention
Hoseyn Naghib Mohammadabadi – Iran / honorable mention
Radoslaw Ruciński -Poland / honorable mention
Mario Russo – Italy / honorable mention
Hicabi Demirci – Turkey / honorable mention
International Festival of Humor and satire „IN VINICA VERITAS 2015″ / Macedonia
First Prize- Mahmood AZADNIA, Iran
Second Prize- Raul Alfanso GRISALES, Colombia
Third Prize- George LICURICI, Romania
Special Mentions:
Galym BORANBAYEV, Kazahstan
Jordan Pop-ILIEV, Macedonia
Konstantin KAZANCHEV, Ukraina
Makhmudjon ESHONKULOV, Uzbekistan
Neda SHOJAI, Iran
Paolo DALPONTE, Italy
Sahar NASRI, Iran
Valery ALEXANDROV, Bulgaria
Semendyaev SERGEI, Ukraina
Chernyshev Mikhail FEDEROVICH, Russia
XIII Międzynarodowy Konkurs Rysunku Satyrycznego „Karpik 2015” / Polska
Grand Prix: Krzysztof Grzondziel (Polska)
Nagrody główne
Lubomir Lichy (Czechy)
Tomasz Wołoszyn (Niemcy)
Dariusz Pietrzak (Polska)
Nagroda Burmistrza Niemodlina – Wiesław Lipecki (Polska)
Nagroda Firmy Ornament z Nysy – Jacek Frąckiewicz (Polska)
Nagroda Firmy Hasan z Nysy – Bretislav Kovarik (Czechy)
Nagroda Stowarzyszenia Ruch Rozwoju Regionu Nysa – Henryk Cebula (Polska)
Nagroda Muzeum Karykatury w Warszawie – Tomasz Rzeszutek (Polska)
Nagrody Agencji Rynku Rolnego Oddziału Terenowego w Opolu
I nagroda – Daniel Strzelczyk (Polska)
II nagroda – Jiri Novak (Czechy)
III nagroda – Janusz Grysiewicz (Polska)
Wyróżnienia honorowe (dyplomy)
Anon Anindito (Indonesia)
Chiorean Cornel-Marin (Rumunia)
Ricardo Ferreira (Portugalia)
Galym Boranbayev (Kazachstan)
Zbigniew Piszczako (Polska)
7th Cartoonale Brugge 2015 / Belgium
1st prize: Vranckx Michel (Belgium)
2nd prize: Kuczyński Pawel (Poland)
3nd prize: Michiels Mireille (Belgium)
10th International Cartoon Contest Braila 2015 / Romania
Grand Prix: Toso Borcovich / Serbia
First Prize: Oleg Kustovsky / Ukraine
Second Prize: Doru Axinte / Romania
Third Prize: Farzane Vaziritabar / Iran
Special Prizes:
Darko Drljevic / Montenegro
Constantin Ciosu / Romania
Valentin Chibrit / Romania
5è Concurs Internacional d’Humor Gràfic Esportiu / Spain
First Prize: Grigoris Georgiou / Greece
Second Prize: Armen Hamonagan / Indonesia
Third Prize: Osvaldo DaCosta / Brazil
18th International Salon of Antiwar Cartoon Kragujevac 2015 / Serbia
Grand prix „Peace Messenger”: Xiaoqiang Hou / China
Gold Plaque: Andrei Popov / Russia
Silver Plaque: Jovo Skomac / Serbia
Bronze Plaque: Konstantin Kazanchev / Ukraine
Award of city of Bydgoszcz (Poland): Sergey Semendyaev / Ukraine
Award of City of Ingolstat (Germany: Cristo Komarnitski / Bulgaria
Award of City of Bielsko-Biala (Poland): Sergei Belozerov / Russia
Award of City Siresnes (France): Musa Gumus / Turkey
Award of City Pitesti (Romania): Vladimir Semerenko / Russia
Award of City Carrara (Italy): Seyran Ceferli / Azerbejian
D i p l o m a s:
Ba Bilig / China
Steve Jonesy / England
Slobodan Obradovic / Serbia
Raed Khalil / Syria
Krzysztof Grzondziel / Poland
XX Salón Mercosur Internacional Diogenes Taborda 2015 / Argentina
Gran Premio Diogenes Taborda 2015: Doru Axinte. Rumania
Humor Gráfico
1° Premio: Doru Axinte. Rumania
2° Premio: Daniel Pito Campos. Argentina
3° Premio: Nat, Natalia Forcat. Brasil
Mención: Doru Axinte. Rumania – Klaus Pittier Austria – Victor Skopintsev. Rusia
Humor Gráfico y escrito
1° Premio: Doru Axinte. Rumania
2° Premio: Daniel Pito Campos. Argentina
3° Premio: M a h a f u j A l i. India
Mención: Jarúl Ortega. República Dominicana – Jose Neves (NEMo). Canada – Khalil Zitouni. Algeria – Érico Junqueira. Brasil – Ilga Lemane. Letonia – Horacio Petre. Argentina
1° Premio: Mihai Criste. Rumania
2° Premio: Elena Ospina. Colombia
3° Premio: Valeri Tarasenko. Rusia
Mención: Jacek Majcherkiewicz. Polonia – Gergely Bacsa. Hungria
Ilustración Infantil
Ester Lauringson. Estonia
1° Premio: Daniel Diebold. Argentina
2° Premio: Mauricio Parra Colombia
3° Premio: Walter Toscano. Peru
Mención: Carlos De Las Muñecas Achá (Chato). Bolivia – Tiago Santos. Brasil – Ulisses Araujo Brasil – Jan Op De Beeck Congo – Omar Sedeek. Egipto
1° Premio: Jok (Diego Coglitore). Argentina
2° Premio: Mariano Luna. Argentina
3° Premio: Carlos Alberto Scherpa (guion) y Facundo Perez Cejas (dibujo Argentina
Mención: Chappa – Juan Carlos Capparelli. Argentina – Camila Lagoeiro. Brasil
Premio Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens: Gio. Italia – Marcus Wiedemann. Alemania
Premio 20°Aniversario Salón Diogenes Taborda: Sergey Sichenko. Israel – Dariusz Dabrowski. Polonia
Premio 80° Aniversario Carlos Gardel: Guillermo Arena. Argentina – Osvaldo Laino. Argentina
Premio Trayectoria: Hector Beas. Argentina – Nada Tanhadam. Iran
Premio Estimulo: Liliana Navarro. Argentina
Invitado de Honor: Raul Zuleta. Colombia
42th Salao Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba 2015 / Brazil
Grande Premio of the 42th Salao Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba 2015: Paulo Sérgio Jindelt / Brasil
First prize: Paulo Sérgio Jindelt / Brasil
Honorable Mentions:
Pablo Lopez / Uruguay
Nasrin Abdosheykhi / Iran
Sergio Goncalves Brito / Brazil
Walter Toscano / Peru
First Prize: Igor Kondenko / Ukraine
Honorable Mentions:
Konstantin Kazanesky / Ukraine
Andrey Popov / Russia
Atefeh Yaryan / Iran
First Prize: Angel Boligan Corbo / Mexico
Honorable Mentions:
Marco de Angelis / Italy
Ludo Goderis / Belgium
Subject “Corruption”:
First Prize: Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Paes / Brazil
Honorable Mentions:
Rafael / Brazil
Paulo Sérgio Jindelt / Brazil
Special Prizes:
Prêmio Câmara Municipal de Piracicaba: Lézio Custódio Junior / Brazil
Prêmio Águas do Mirante: Laerte Silvino / Brazil
Prêmio Saúde Unimed: B.V. Panduranga Rao / India
21th International Cartoon Contest, Haifa 2015 / Israel
Category: Life in Multi Cultural Cites
First Prize: Oleksiy Kustovskiy / Ukraine
Second Prize: Konstantin Kazanchev / Ukraine
Special Prize:
Miroslav Jakovljev / Serbia
Victor Holub / Ukraine
Honorable Mention Certificates by the Israle National Commission for UNESCO:
Sergey Tunin / Russia
Constantin Ciosu / Romania
Stanislav Ashmarin / Russia
Emilio Isca / Italy
Honorable Mention Certificate for uniqueness & orginal by Israel Painters & Sculptors Association (RA) : Sergey Sichenko / Israel
Certificate of Apprecition by “Pencom” Cartoonists Association – Haifa: Dorotea Litvak / Israel
Category: Freedom of Speech
First Prize: Alexander Barbanshchykov / Ukraine
Second Prize: Salih Kutukcu / Turkey
Third Prize: Arkady Zikun / Israel
Special Prizes Awarded by Haifa Foundation:
BV Panduranga RAO / India
Vladimir Kazanevsky / Ukraine
Honorable Mention Awards:
Pitter Klaus / Austria
Juli Aguado Sanchis / Spain
Honorable Mention Certificates by the Israle National Commission for UNESCO
Mello Silvano / Brazil
Mikhail Zlatkovsky / Russia
Honorable Mentions Certificates of Appreciation by The Association of Israel Journalists, Haifa & the North: Nicolai Ionita, Romania
11. International Cartoon Festival Solin 2015 / Croatia
Grand Prix Solin 2015: Mojmir Mihatov / Croatia
Tourist Board prize: Predrag Babić / Bosnia & Hherzegovina
Cristian Topan (Romania),
Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria),
Liviu Stanila (Romania),
Luc Descheemaeker (Belgium),
Luka Lagator (Montenegro)
The Confucius Caricature & China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition 2015 / China
World of Confucius:
Grand Prize: Oleg Dergachov / Canada
Gold Prize: José Raymundo Costa do Nascimento / Brazil
Silver Prize: Pavel Constantin / Romania
Bronze Prize: Ilya Katz / Israel
Special Award: Guaico / Colombia
Special Award: Martha Barragan / Mexico
Special Award: Matías Tolsà Montedoro / Argentina
Special Award: Nasrin Abdosheykhi / Iran
Special Award: Krishna KumarYadav / India
Impression of China:
Gold Prize: Rock Lane / Brazil
Silver Prize: Aidarbek Gazizov / Kazakhstan
Bronze Prize: Sun Yat Chinese Movies
Special Award: Agim Sulaj / Italy
Special Award: Arkady Tzykun / Israel
Special Award: David Vela / Spain
Special Award: Pavel Constantin / Romania
Special Award: Raul Fernando Zuleta / Colombia
11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2015
Caricature section:
First Prize:Arash Foroughi / Iran
Second Prize: Guaico / Colombia
Third Prize : Walter Alvarez Toscano / Peru
S p e c i a l P r i z e:
Emad Salehi / Iran
J.Bosco Jacó de Azevedo / Brazil
Mohammadreza Abbaspour / Iran
Ulisses José de Araujo / Brazil
Yusef Alimohamadi / Iran
Cartoon section:
First Prize: Mihai Ignat / Romania
Second Prize: Jitet Kustana / Indonesia
Third Prize : Mohammad Saleh Razmhosseini / Iran
S p e c i a l P r i z e:
Afri Diyansyah / Indonesia
Ciosu Constantin / Romaina
Milenko Kosanoviic / Serbia
Paolo Dalponte / Italy
Samer Alshmarei / Yemen
35th International Nasreddin Hoca Caricature Competition / Turkey
Grand Prize: Grzegorz Szumowski / Poland
Honour Prize: Pawel Kuczyński / Poland
Honour Prize: Ronaldo Cunha Dias / Brazil
Honour Prize: Kambiz Derambakhsh / Iran
Honour Prize: Sergey Riabokon / Ukraine
Honour Prize: Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz / Poland
Special Prizes:
Special Prize of the Turhan Selcuk: Musa Gumus / Turkey
Speciall Prize of the Semih Balcioglu: Julian Pena-Pai / Romania
Special Prize of the Ferit Ongoren: Vladimir Kazanevsky / Ukraine
Special Prize of the Assocation of Caricaturists: Bogdna Petry & Horia Crisan / Romania
Special Prize of Aksehir Municipality and Nasreddin Hodja: Farzane Vaziritabav / Iran
Special Prize of the Jury: Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria
Special Prize of the Jury: Pavel Botezatu / Romania
Special Prize of Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Xiao Xiang Hou / China
Special Prize of Press Publications Information General Administration: Konsantin Kazanchev / Ukraine
Special Prize of the Koc Holding: Alessandro Gatto / Italy
Special Prize of the Association of Journalists of Turkey: Jugoslav Vlahovic / Serbia
Special Prize of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality: Luka Lagator / Montenegro
Special Prize of Union of Turkish Bar Assocation: Jitet Kustana / Indonesia
Special Prize of Kadikoy Municipality: Michel Moro Gomez / Cuba
Special Prize of FOX TV: Sunnerberg Constantin / Belgium
4th International Olive Cartoon Contest 2015, Kyrenia – Cyprus
First Prize “Gold Olive”: Vladimir Stankovski (Serbia)
Second Prize “Silver Olive”: Raul Alfonso Grisales (Colombia)
Third Prize ”Bronz Olive”: Muammer Kotbaş (Turkey)
Special Prizes:
Farzane Vaziritabar (Iran)
Kürşat Zaman (Turkey)
Valeri Alexandrov (Bulgaria)
Makhmud Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan)
Ali Miraee (Iran)
Cengiz Beysoydan (Cyprus)
Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria)
Aurel Ştefan Alexandrescu (Romania)
Kemal Özyurt (Turkey)
Luc Vernimmen (Belgium)
Halit Kurtulmuş Aytoslu (Turkey)
Menekşe Çam (Turkey)
Bossens Philippe (Belgium).
Special Prize of the Organization:
International Journal of Comic Art Special Prize: Mehmet Kahraman (Turkey)
Federation Cartoonists Organizations (FECO – CYPRUS) Special Prize: Leyla Çınar Algül (Cyprus)
Federation Cartoonists Organizations (FECO – GREECE) Special Prize: Andrea Pecchia (Italia)
Cartoon Publishing Special Prize: Sanaz Yahyavi (Iran)
Olive Festival Special Prize: Serpil Kar (Turkey)
Cyprus – Turkish Cartoonists Special Prize: Hakan Boral (Cyprus)
Fire Humour Magazine Special Prize: Andrei Popov (Russia)
New Scorpion Cartoon and Humour Magazine Special Prize: Shahram Rezai (Iran)
Concours International d’Arts Visuels Juste pour Rire 2015 / Canada
1 st prize : Armen HAMONANGAN, (Indonesia)
2 th prize: Nicolae IONITA, (Romania)
3 nd prize: Pierre BRIGNAUD, (Canada, QC) and Gelu PASCAL, (Romania)
Honourable Mentions:
Jim KEMPKES, (Canada)
Behzad GHAFARIZADEH, (Canada/ Iran)
Milenko KOSANOVIC, (Serbia)
International Cartoon Contest “Politics & Sex” / Israel
First Prize: Alexander Zudin (Russia)
Second Prize: Slavomir Makal (Poland)
Third Prize: Andrey Popov (Russia), Sergey Sychenko (Israel), Vadim Misyuk (Russia)
Honorary diplomas
Adolf Skotarenko (Russia)
Alexander Anufriev (Russia)
Boris Erenburg (Israel)
Ctisto Komarnitski (Bulgaria)
Doru Axinte (Romania)
Evgeny Fine (Israel)
Fang Chen (USA)
Goran Celicanin (Serbia)
Igor Ponochevny (Russia)
Ilya Katz (Israel)
Jordan Pop-Iliev (Macedonia)
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan)
Maxim Smagin (Russia)
Mileta Miloradovic (Serbia)
Nedeljko Ubovic (Serbia)
Roberto Castillo Rodriguez (Cuba)
Vasiliy Vozniuk (Ukraine)
Willem Rasing (Holland)
Special prize of the Cartunion, International Cartoonists’ Club: Tošo Borković (Serbia)
25th International Festival of „Humor……at Gura Humorului” 2015 / Romania
First Prize: ex auquo Marcin Bondarowicz / Poland & Oleksey Kustovsky / Ukraine
Second Prize: Grigoris Georgiou / Greece
Third Prize: Chen Sun / China
The „George Gavrilean” Prize for the debutantes in Bucovina: ex auquo Henryk Cebula / Poland & Darko Drljevic / Montenegro
Special Prize “Sorin Postolache”: Bianca Balasoin / Romania
Special Prize “Viorel Corodescu – LOV”: Pamfil Horodnic / Romania
II. International Contest „Caneva Ride 2015” / Italy
First Prize: Sergio Tessarolo / Italy
Second Prize: Maxim Smagin / Russia
Third Prize: Oleksiy Kustovsky / Ukraine
Aidarbek Gazizov / Kazakhstan
Boris Erenburg / Russia
Emily Escobar Ochoa / Ecuador
Giacomo Cardelli / Italia
Kononov Dmitry / Russia
Sasha Dimitrijevic / Serbia
Tarasenko Valeri / Russia
Prix World Press Cartoon 2015 / Cascais, Portugal
GRAN PRIX – editorial cartoon1st prize: André Carrilho / Portugal –
Diário de Notícias
2nd prize: Nikolov Tchavdar / Bulgaria – Pressa Daily
3rd prize: Cost / France – Kpaiha
1st prize: Michael Kountouris / Greece – Shedia
2nd prize: Angel Boligán / Mexico – Conozca Más
3rd prize: Mohammad Ali Khalaji / Iran – Jam-e-Jam
1st prize: Cau Gomez / Brazil – A Tarde
2nd prize: Dalcio Machado / Brazil – Correio Popular
3rd prize: Riber Hansson / Sweden – Courrier Internationa
Angel Boligán / Mexico – El Universal
Cristina Sampaio / Portugal – Africa 21
Burkh Fritsche / Germany – Die Tageszeitung
Michael Kountouris / Greece – Efimerida Ton Syntakton
Ramachandra Babu / India – Gulf News
Cau Gomez / Brasil – A Tarde
William Rasoanaivo / Madagascar – L’Éxpress
Marilena Nardi / Italia – Barricate
Cost / France – Courrier International
Vladimir Stankovsky / Serbia – Vreme
Trayko Popov / Bulgaria – Duma
Yaser Khanbaray / Iran – Zhyar Magazin
Bruce Mackinnon / Canada – The Chronicle Herald
Santiagu / Portugal – Em Contexto
Ilian Savkov / Bulgaria – Standart
HumoDEVA 2015 / Romania
Gold Prize: Oleg Gutsol, Ukraine
Silver Prize, ex aequo: Galym Boranbayev, Kazakhstan & Constantin Ciosu, Romania
Bronze Prize, ex aequo: Pavel Matuska, Czech Republic & Constantin Pavel, Romania
Toso Borkovich, Serbia
Mehdi Azizi, Iran
Lubomir Mihailov, Bulgaria
Santiagu, Portugal
B. V. Panduranga, India
Sergii Riabokon, Ukraine
Alexander Dubovsky, Ukraine
Seyran Caferli, Azerbaijan
Valeriy Chmyriov, Ukraine
The Special Prize of The Jury: Klaus Pitter, Austria
The Special Prize for Portrait: Mario Magnatti, Italy
The Special Prize of CRISAN Publishing House: Dragutin Kovacevic, Croatia
The Special Prize of CRISAN Publishing House: Fernando Pica, Colombia
The Special Prize of CRISAN Publishing House: Raed Khalil, Syria
The Special Diploma: Sergey Ermilov, Russia
The Special Prize of ”ACCES” Association: Mojtaba Heidarpanah, Iran
The Special Prize of ”ACCES” Association: Luc Descheemaeker, Belgium
The Special Prize of Deva Culture Center: Nicolae Lengher, Romania
The Special Prize of Deva Culture Center: Gabi Rusu, Romania
1. International Cartoon Exhibition in Sisak MIKS 2015 „Jazz & Blues” / Croatia
First Prize: Andrei Popov / Russia
Second Prize: Valentin Dubinin / Russia
Third Prize: Alrezi Pakdel / Iran
Special Awards:
Roko Idžojtić / Croatia
Zoran Petrovic / Germany
Arash Foroughi / Iran
Nikola Angelkoski / Makedonija
Oleksy Kustovsky / Ukraine
Special prize of the international e-magazine Fenamizah from Turkey – Srna Jiri / Czech Republic
Special prize of the international e-magazine Good Humor Party – Goran Ćeličanin / Serbia
7th P.C. Rath Memorial international Web Cartoon Contest – 2015 / India
First Prize: Toso Borkovic (Serbia)
Second Prize: Zbigniew Kolaczek (Poland)
Third Prize: Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine)
Special Mention Prize (x2)
Farzane Vaziritabar (Iran)
Igor Pashchenko (Russia)
Honourable Mention Prize (x2)
J. Bosco (Brazil)
Galym Boranbayev (Kazakhstan
46th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2015 / Macedonia
SPECIAL AWARD – Aleksandar BLATNIK, Serbia
SPECIAL AWARD – Halit KURTULMUS – Ayatoslu, Turkey
SPECIAL AWARD – Louis POL, Australia
SPECIAL AWARD – Raul Fernando ZULETA, Colombia
SPECIAL AWARD – Valeriu KURTU, Germany
CICO AWARD – for Macedonian Cartoonist – Darko MARKOVIC
5th ‚Red Man’ International Humour Art Biennial, China 2015
Golden Prize: Musa Gumus – Turkey
Silver Prize: Anatoliy Stankulov – Bulgaria
Cooper Prize: Benjasit Tumying -Thailand
Humorist Prizes:
Chiorean Cornel, Marin – Romania
Oleg Dergachov – Canada
Nader Hafezi – Iran
Xing Delin – China
Stephen Mumberson – England
Excellent Prizes:
Vaso Krcmar – Serbia
Yulia Protsyshyn – Ukraine
Peter Nieuwendijk – Holland
Wolfgang Theiler – Germany
Valery Momot – Ukraine
Cai Weidong – China
20th Zemun International Caricature Salon – Serbia
First Prize: Ilian Savkov / Bulgaria
Second Prize: Lazo Sredanovic / Montenegro
Third Prize: Serafini Bakoulis / Greece
Special Jury Award – Dejan Djurovic / Serbia
XVII Otwarty Międzynarodowy Konkurs na Rysunek Satyryczny ”DEBIUT” Zielona Góra / Polska
1st Prize – Maciej Michalski (Poland)
2nd Prize – Robert Kempisty (Poland)
3rd Prize – ex aequo: Borislav Hegedušić (Croatia), Paweł Kuczyński (Poland)
Special prizes
Artur Galicki (Poland) – Special Award funded by Muzeum Karykatury im. E. Lipińskiego w Warszawie
Břetislav Kovařík (Czech Republic) – Special Award funded by Elektrociepłownia „Zielona Góra” S.A.
Jovan Prokopljević (Serbia) – Special Award funded by Zielonogórski Ośrodek Kultury
Magda Kozieł-Nowak (Poland) – Special Award funded by Regionalne Centrum Animacji Kultury w Zielonej Górze
Henryk Cebula (Poland) – Special Award funded by Stowarzyszenie Polskich Artystów Karykatury w Warszawie
Jiři Novák (Czech Republic) – Special Award funded by Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych w Zielonej Górze
– PRIZE of the town of Gabrovo – the GASCAR statuette: LEX DREWINSKI, Germany / Poland
– PRIZE for CARTOON awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria
(the prize goes to a work on the theme The Protester): MIHAI IGNAT, Romania
– PRIZE for GRAPHIC WORK/DRAWING awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria: IVAN YANEV, Bulgaria
– PRIZE for PAINTING awared by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria: GEORGI YORDANOV /ZHORO/, Bulgaria
– PRIZE for SCULPTURE awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Bulgaria: OGNYAN PETKOV, Bulgaria
– PRIZE for PHOTOGRAPH awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Bulgaria: ARAS YAZICI, Turkey
– PRIZE for POSTER awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria: MARCELINA RYDELEK, Poland
– PRIZE of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria
(for the best CARTOON supporting the fight against tobacco consumption): IRIEN TRENDAFILOV, Bulgaria
– PRIZE of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria
(for the best CARTOON supporting the fight against alcohol abuse): PAOLO DALPONTE, Italy
– PRIZE of the Directorate of CENTRAL BALKAN National Park
(for the best CARTOON on Safeguarding Nature) : ILJA BEREZNICKAS, Lithuania
– PRIZE of GABROVO Planet Society: VLADIMIR MARINOV, Bulgaria
– PRIZE for SCULPTURE awarded to a young sculptor by SKALNI MATERIALI JS Co. – Rousse: KRASIMIR METODIEV, Bulgaria
– FIRST PRIZE for FUNNY PHOTOGRAPH awarded by PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS Ltd. (a professional Lowepro photo backpack and a certificate): RADOSVETA KALINOVA, Bulgaria
– SECOND PRIZE for FUNNY PHOTOGRAPH awarded by PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS Ltd.(a professional Lowepro sling bag and a certificate): BORIS NIKITIN, Russia
– THIRD PRIZE for FUNNY PHOTOGRAPH awarded by PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS Ltd. (a JOBY micro stand and a certificate): GALINA SNITKOVSKAYA, Russia
– PRIZE for SCULPTURE awarded by FORUM newspaper-an information weekly covering Northern Bulgaria: GEORGI PASEV, Bulgaria
– PRIZE FOR a WORK strongly related to photography awarded by PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS Ltd. (a a set of Walther Design frames and a certificate): ALEXANDER SHMIDT, Russia
20-21st Humour a Gallarate International Cartoon Contest 2015, Italy
Grand Prix „Marco Biassoni” – Alessandro Gatto / Italy
Prize “Cava” – Luka Lagator / Montenegro
First Prize: Andrea Pecchia – Italy
Special Prize of Jury: Gminni Audisio – Italy
Honorary Mentions:
Paweł Stańczyk – Poland
Paolo Dalponte – Italy
Marco Spadari – Italy
Konstantin Kazanchev – Ukraine
Jovcho Savov – Bulgaria
First Prize: Gianni Audisio – Italy
Special Prize of Jury: Vladimir Pavlik – Slovakia
Honorary Mentions:
Marco Gavagnin – Italy
Georgiev Valentin – Bulgaria
Valeri Alexandrov – Bulgaria
Lamberto Tomassini – Italy
Walter Mantegazza – Italy
First Prize: Mario Magnatti – Italy
Special Prize of Jury: Marco Spadari – Italy
Honorary Mentons:
Lamberto Tomassini – Italy
Marco DAgostino – Italy
Raul Alfonso Grisales – Colombia
Henryk Cebula – Poland
#DrawAttention contest announced at opening of Baku European games / Children WIN
Gold Medal: Vincente Marques – Brazil
Silver Medal: Renato Moll – Brazil
Bronze Medal: ex aequo Darko Drljevic – Montenegro, Jovan Prokopljevic – Serbia
Public Choice Award: Oleg Loktyev – Russia
20th International Cartoon Exhibition Zabreb 2015 / Croatia
First Prize: Nikolay Arnaudov – Bulgaria
Second Prize: Musa Gumus – Turkey
Third Prize: Pavel Constantin – Romania
Special Mentions:
Vjekoslav Bojat – Montenegro
Darjan Kućko – Croatia
Oleksy Kustovsky – Ukraine
Klaus Pitter – Austria
Ivan Sabolić – Croatia
International Yemen Cartoon & Caricature Contest-2015 / Iran
Cartoon Section
First Prize: Mahmoud Nazari / Iran
Second Prize: Mohsen Jafari / Iran
Third Prize: Samer Mohmmed Al-Shameri / Yemen
Pouya Abdoli / Iran
Bahram Arjomandnia / Iran
Abbas Naseri / Iran
Caricature Section
First Prize: Naser Moghaddam / Iran
Second Prize: Hamidreza Hayat Roshanaei / Iran
Third Prize: Mehmet Ali Gunes / Turkey
Mello / Brazil
Shahram Shirzadi / Iran
Mahmoud Azadnia / Iran
32.”Aydın Doğan” International Cartoon Contest/Turkey 2015
First Prize: Agim Sulaj / Albania
Secoun Prize: Mohsen Nouri / Iran
Third Prize: Jalal Pirmarzabadi / Iran
Special Prizes:
Alberto Morales Ajubel / Spain
Angel Boligan / Cuba
İshimaru Hide / Japan
Frank Hoffmann / Germany
Moacir Knorr Gutterres / Brazil
Musa Gümüş / Türkey
Cemalettin Güzeloğlu / Türkey
Jose Antonio Garci Nieto / Mexico
Didier Pizzi / France
Saman Torabi / İran
Jugoslav Vlahovic / Serbia
Mikhail Zlatkovsky / Russia
9th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic – Bucovina, Romania
First Prize: Ridha H. Ridha – Germany
Second Prize: Bobisa Todorovic – Serbia
Third Prize: Marcin Bondarowicz – Poland
1. Mention: Razvan Tenie Bradean – Romania
2. Mention: Zbigniew Piszczako – Poland
3. Mention: Taher Shaabani – Iran
Międzynarodowa Wystawa „SATYRYKON 2015” – Legnica, Polska
Grand Prix SATYRYKONU 2015 – ANDREI POPOV (Rosja)
Dział: entuzjazm
I nagroda, złoty medal – KATARZYNA BOGUCKA (Polska)
II nagroda, srebrny medal – ROBERT KEMPISTY (Polska)
III nagroda, brązowy medal– MIROSŁAW GRYŃ (Polska)
dwa równorzędne wyróżnienia:
Dział: satyra i żart
I nagroda, złoty medal– ALESSANDRO GATTO
II nagroda, srebrny medal – LEX DREWIŃSKI (Niemcy/Polska)
III nagroda, brązowy medal – ARTUR LIGENZA (Polska)
dwa równorzędne wyróżnienia:
POL LEURS (Luksemburg)
N a g r o d y s p e c j a l n e
Nagroda Dyrektora Muzeum Karykatury w Warszawie– PAWEŁ STAŃCZYK (Polska)
Nagroda Dyrektora Legnickiego Centrum Kultury– LUC DESCHEEMAEKER (Belgia)
Nagroda Prezydenta Miasta Legnicy – ANDREA PECCHIA (Włochy)
Nagroda Fundacji Satyrykon im. Andrzeja Tomiałojcia – SAMAN TORABI (Iran)
Nagroda legnickich dziennikarzy im. Andrzeja Waligórskiego – KATARZYNA KSIĘŻOPOLSKA (Polska)
A mnie tez sie dostalo. Witold Barbara, 1st Prize Winner of The Sunny Dragon International Graphic Humour Festival 2015. Dyplom Collective przyznano dla grupy rysowników z Iranu a trzecie miejsce ormianin Tigran Vardikyan. Pozdrawiam.