Salon w Saint Just le Martel
Na przełomie września i października we francuskim miasteczku Saint Just le Martel odbędzie się już po raz 37 SALON INTERNATIONAL DE LA CARICATURE, DU DESSIN DE PRESSE et D’HUMOUR (Międzynarodowy Salon Karykatury, Rysunku Prasowego i Humoru).
Salon w Saint Just le Martel, to cały zestaw wystaw rysunku prasowego, humorystycznego i satyrycznego. To wystawy tematyczne, autorskie, zbiorowe i historyczne. W tym roku jedną z wystaw tego salonu będzie ekspozycja polskiego rysunku prasowego przygotowywana we współpracy ze Stowarzyszeniem Polskich Artystów Karykatury.
Oprócz tego co roku przygotowywana jest zbiorcza wystawa, na której prezentowane są prace satyryczne nadsyłane przez rysowników z całego świata. To też okazja dla tych, którzy nie „załapią się” na wystawę SPAKowską.
Organizatorzy oczekują na 6-8 prac przesłanych na adres:
Centre International de la Caricature du Dessin de Presse et d’Humour
7, route du Château-d’Eau
Uczestnicy wystawy mają zapewniony weekendowy pobyt podczas Salonu w Saint Just le Martel, organizatorzy zapewniają transport z Paryża (po wcześniejszym uzgodnieniu i zarezerwowaniu miejsca), do stolicy Francji należy dotrzeć na własny koszt.
Więcej informacji na stronie > i w piśmie od organizatorów poniżej:
Hello everybody
Most of you have already heard of Saint Just le Martel and our continous efforts for the promotion of press cartoons and caricature.
This year,we will celebrate the …. 37th birthday of our annual Salon.
The « Centre Permanent » , inaugurated in september 2011, has already hosted numerous prestigious exhibitions . This year for example after « expo WILLEM / VUILLEMIN », followed by « CABU, le journal des présidents »), we had an exhibition on the theme of music with AVOINE , BARBE, BLACHON , BRIDENNE , COLLINS, FAUJOUR , JY, LEOCROART, LEROUGE, SABATIER, SAMSON, and SOULAS as well as a very nice exhibition « PIEM / BARRIGUE, père et fils »
Thanks to our personal fund, we set up a presentation of drawings and front pages related to May 1968….lots of things going on…. Our centre also responds to growing sollicitations from France and abroad.
This success, as you already know, is due to the quality and the diversity of our exhibitions, to the research work that is carried out, the seriousness of the organisation, the solid experience built up over time, the quality of the presentation of works, and the quality of visitor reception.
But most of all, it is due to the trust we share with cartoonists, to great friendships built up over the years, and the cooperations initiated and still developed with the most prominent specialists in the field … Our success also comes from the very nature of this organisation with the remarkable involvement of the most prominent names of cartooning, the outstanding commitment of numerous volunteers,
Those of you who were persent for the last edition witnessed its new success both in terms of quality and attendance.
The next edition of the Salon will this year take place from September 28 to October 87, 2018. We hope that you will participate and either send us 6/8 cartoons (preferably on the following topics) or come to Saint Just le Martel, on either one of the weekends of the Salon, or both .
This year we’d also like you to send us a picture of yourself for the exhibition.
On the general theme : « LIBRES D’EN RIRE » (« FREE TO LAUGH ABOUT IT ») ,with BOLIGAN’s poster, we suggest :
Press cartoons :
– 365 days of french and international current events
– Macron, 18 months later, the new world « en marche » ?
– Trump , again !!
· Women’s rights ( after an exhibition set up by Le Crayon , and with Catherine BEAUNEZ , Agnès LANCHON, TRAX … )
· Of course, there will also be retrospectives (« 1918, les dessins de la victoire » and « ils ont dessiné pour La Gueule Ouverte » )
· and humour cartoons for kids (with « Monstrina » de Veronica RAMIREZ … and les « Trompe-l’oeil de DOBRITZ.)
Naturally, we are open to all your suggestions…..
« Coups de projecteur » , a focus on the work of DAULLE and BRITO, is already scheduled .
There will also be exhibitions
· (and a delegation ) of the Mexican CARTOONCLUB
· from Daryl CAGLE and his team, on the theme of « guns »
· from the Danish press « quand la guerre froide revient »
· from la maison du Dessin de Presse de Morges-Suisse « dessine moi un Macron »
· on the 125th anniversary of the Alliance Française in Buenos Aires (collaboration with France Cartoons)
· on the Polish press…
· « coups de projecteur »,focus on the work of two cartoonists who often visit us in St Just : Valéri KURTU (German- Moldavian) and Ross THOMSON ( British)
At the same time, the « ETATS GENERAUX DU DESSIN DE PRESSE » will meet again (one of the meetings will be held in Paris, at l’UNESCO.
We are at your disposal to provide any information you might need about the exhibitions, about transportation and accomodation, given that travel expenses on the french territory ( special SNCF train cars between Paris and Limoges in particular), accomodation and catering costs in Saint-Just-le- Martel are of course paid for by the Salon.
We do hope that you will participate, send us your cartoons and come to Saint Just le Martel, and we look forward to seeing you or hearing you on the phone.
Friendly thoughts to all of you
For the Salon, the President