Lipstick, Pencil and HUMOR – kobieca wystawa w Brazylii


CEDHU Piracicaba (Narodowe Centrum Humoru Graficznego z Piracicaba) i Międzynarodowy Salon Humoru Piracicaba (Brazylia) zapraszają kobiety rysowniczki do udziału w wystawie Lipstick, Pencil and HUMOR (Szminka, Ołówek i HUMOR).
Wystawa zostanie otwarta 8 marca 2019 roku, a termin zgłaszania prac, to 4 luty przyszłego roku. Prace można wysyłać droga internetową. Więcej informacji w regulaminie poniżej.

City of Piracicaba | Secretariat of Cultural Action | CEDHU Piracicaba

Lipstick, Pencil & HUMOR | Show 2019

CEDHU Piracicaba (National Center for Graphic Humor of Piracicaba) and Piracicaba International Humor Salon invite women cartoonists to participate in the show Lipstick, Pencil and HUMOR.
Lips and Pencils and Humor is an exhibition of graphic arts held since 2011 as the official program of CEDHU Piracicaba, and proposes to stimulate and offer space to Brazilian and foreign artists (amateurs or professionals) to show their productions in the context of the celebrations and reflections of International Day of the woman.

Technical description
Lipstick, Pencil & HUMOR | show 2018 – exhibition of cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, illustrations, comics and strips.
Place of the exhibition: Parque do Engenho Central – Warehouse 5 | Museum of Sugar * (Dr. Maurice Allain Avenue, 454 – Vila Rezende – Piracicaba / SP).
Opening date: March 8, 2018 – Friday, starting at 7:00 pm *
Exhibition period: from March 8 to April 7, 2019 * (from Tuesday to Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
* dates, times and locations can be changed.

Terms of participation
a) In order to participate the artist must send together with the works the registration form provided by the organization (in annex) filled legibly and signed. For validation of the application, all fields must be complete.
b) The works (up to three per artist) can be sent by mail or e-mail (digital files in JPEG format, 300 dpi resolution and maximum of 5M).
c) The theme and technique are free. Sculptures will be accepted. Maximum formats: on paper – A3; sculptures – 42 cm (height) x 30 cm (depth) x 30 cm (width). (The CEDHU is not responsible for any damage caused to the work during the transport via Post Office or other carrier).
d) Deadline for submission of papers: February 4, 2019
e) The simple registration implies for the assignment of the copyrights of the works for reproductions and publications in any physical, printed and digital medium, aiming at the dissemination of the event.
f) There will be a selection of the works that will be exposed, under the responsibility of CEDHU-Piracicaba.
g) There will be no return of work by the CEDHU to the artists. The original works will not be returned by the organization, and must be withdrawn at the CEDHU within a period of up to 6 (six) months, contacts after the closing date of the exhibition.
Address Correio: CEDHU Piracicaba – Av. Maurice Allain 454 – Vila Rezende – Postal Box 12 – Piracicaba / SP Brazil – CEP 13405-123. (Regarding the deadline for receipt, the posting date will be considered).
Information: 0xx 19 3403.2615 – 3403.2620 – 3403.2621 and

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