Kosmopolita tematem konkursu na Ukrainie


Ukraińskie Stowarzyszenie Karykaturzystów organizuje XVI International Cartoon Contest „Independence”. Tematem konkursu jest „Kosmopolita (człowiek świata)”. Organizatorzy oczekują na prace w formacie A4, autor może zgłosić maksymalnie 5 prac, rysunki muszą być oryginalne, dopuszcza się dobrej jakości kopie (wydruki na sztywnym papierze), prace mogą być wykonywane na komputerze. Termin zgłaszania prac – 15 wrzesień br.

Więcej informacji w regulaminie poniżej:

 XVI International Cartoon Contest „Independence” / Ukraine


  1. The theme of the competition: „COSMOPOLIT„.

Cosmopolite (man of the world) – it is the ideology of world citizenship, which puts the interests of all mankind above the interests of individual nations or states, and considers man as a free individual in the whole territory of the planet. Cosmopolitan has rich history, many fans and opponents. Cosmopol-itanism is regarded as one of the most important foundations of human freedom. Like it or not, but mankind has been trying in various ways to rebuild their troubled lives on this planet …

  1. The competition shall be taken:

– Originals

– Quality copies (on thick paper!)

– Work performed by the computer.

Work on the electronic media and e-mail will not be accepted!

  1. Format: A4 (297h210mm.).
  2. Number of works: maximum 5.
  3. Please indicate on the reverse side of each work: name, address, telephone number, e-mail.
  4. The deadline for receipt of papers: September 15, 2016
  5. Together with the works necessarily send the completed application form with a photo.
  6. Prizes: $ 900. Diplomas and prizes from sponsors.
  7. The organizers are not responsible for any damage in transit. The submitted works will not be re-viewed will not be returned and may be used by the organizers for promotional purposes, in the pub-lications relating to a competition for cartoons „Independence.”
  8. The winners will be informed additionally. According to the results of the competition catalog it will be published, which will be sent to all the artists whose works will be included in the directory. The exhibition of the best works and awards ceremony will be held in Kiev in the shopping center „Cos-mopolite”.
  9. The results will be published on the website: www.cartoon.org.ua.
  10. The jury’s decision is final and not subject to revision. Participation in the contest implies that all applicants take these terms.
  11. The works sent to the following address:

Асоциация карикатуристов

А/я 185,





e-mail: kazanchev.ukraine@gmail.com, kazanchev@ukr.net

phone: +38 063 578-0482 (Konstantin Kazanchev)

Regulamin oraz karta zgłoszenia do pobrania na stronie: http://cartoon.org.ua/Ukraine_Independence_2016.pdf

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