Konkurs Nasreddin Hodja
|Metin Peker, prezydent Stowarzyszenia Karykaturzystów Tureckich, zaprasza do udziału w organizowanym po raz 38. Międzynarodowym Konkursie Rysunku Satyrycznego Nasreddin Hodja.
Termin zgłaszania prac na konkurs – 23 lipiec br., ogłoszenie wyników po 1 sierpnia. Organizatorzy przewidują atrakcyjne nagrody – w tym pięć finansowych. Szczegóły w regulaminie poniżej.
The Conditions
The Competition is open to caricaturists from all ower the world. Caricaturists can send their published or unpublished works of art to the Competition.
Yet the caricatures must not be awarded by another Competition.
The subject of the Competition is free. The caricaturists can participate at the Competition with three caricatures. The dimensions of caricatures shall not be bigger than 30×40 cm. The caricatures shall unconditionally be original. The caricaturists have to write in capital letters their names and surnames, address, telephone number and their countries on the back of their works of art. And their CV’s (curriculum vitae) have to be added to their caricatures. The caricatures shall be delivered to the given address at the latest 23 July 2018. The results shall be announced on 1 August 2018. All caricatures send to the Contest shall be kept at İstanbul Centre of Caricature and Humour by the Association of Caricaturists. The jury will choose the caricatures which will be included in the Album and the caricatures which will be exhibited. Then the Album of the Competition will be published. The Album of the Competition will be send to the caricaturists of whom works of art exhibited and included in the Album. The caricaturists participated at the Competition shall be regarded as accepted all the conditions of the Competition.
The Prizes
Grand Prize: 5000$
Honour Prizes (5): 1000$
Special Prizes:
Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines,
syndicates and agencies.
Meşrutiyet Cad. Konur Sk. No: 31/10 Kat: 4 Kızılay 06420 ÇANKAYA – ANKARA / TURKEY
The Association of Cartoonists maintains that in the strunggle for a more tolerant and peaceful world, humour in other words, the language, caricature is the most effective weapon against the thought that does not laugh. Bearing this aim in mind, the Association of Cartoonists is organizing each year International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest to the living memory of Nasreddin Hodja, Turkish master of popular humour. Nasreddin Hodja, the master of Turkish humourists, lived in Akşehir between 1208 – 1285, He is partly medrese, educated (Muslim Theoiogicai School), partly seif-trained. Historical information on his life and personality is highly limited but from what has travelled vord-of-mounthfrom generation to generation we understand him to intensely amusing as it is stimulating and giving food for thought. He is so much at one with the people that perhaps it is truer to say reality. Nasreddin Hodja constitues the nucleus of Turkish folk humour, with stories emanating from his personality being women by the people around his character century after century. So that the humour of Hodja has reached our day as vigorous and as close to peoples heart as ever.