International Cartoon & Carricature Contest „Green Optimistic Indonesia”
At the end of 2019, the Cross Cultural Generation Foundation held an International Cartoon & Caricature Competition which opened on November 20, 2019 and is planned to end on January 20, 2020. This competition is part of a series of multi-cultural cross-event activities, which began with the declaration „Rescue The Mother Earth Environment „by Prof. Dr.H.Jimly Asshiddiqie, SH (ICMI chairman) at La Tansa Mashiro College, Lebak, Banten.
Since then, the Cross Cultural Generation or abbreviated as GLB, has participated in and supported a series of activities related to the environment, including: Distribution of tree seedlings to cartoonists at the third Borobudur Cartoonist Forum event in Magelang, Central Java, on 2- 3 November 2019. Symbolic tree planting at the University of Riau, Pekanbaru on 28 November 2019. Supporting the Ministry of Environment & Forestry, the National Watershed Planting Movement (GNPDAS) event in Batu, Malang, East Java, 4-5 December 2019. KLHK Minister Siti Nurbaya, accompanied by East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Mayor of Batu Dewanti Rumpoko, along with all staff, were present to plant macadamia tree seeds. The event was also attended by artist and GLB Chair, Olivia Zalianty. Olivia read poetry about the environment, accompanied by Mita’s „The Virgin”. Continuing to Payakumbuh, West Sumatra, GLB together with KLHK and the Mayor of Payakumbuh, H.Riza Falepi, and Olivia Zalianty, distributing 10,000 tree seedlings to the community. In the event, Olivia was appointed as an Environmental Ambassador, by the Mayor of Payakumbuh.
Closing the activity in 2019, on 21 Desember 2019, GLB was present in Pekanbaru to attend an event organized by the environmental activist organization, Karang Pohon. Olivia Zalianty & Raja Asdi planted trees symbolically in the Kampar Pavilion, MTQ Building, Pekanbaru Riau.
By holding a Cartoon Contest and caricature titled „International Cartoon & Carricature Contest 2019”, it is expected that awareness and concern for the environment, especially in Indonesia, will increase. Impact, the quality of life and nature of Indonesia and even the world becomes better and safeguarded.
Cross Cultural Multi Event :
Energy Optimism. Together Caring for the Environment
Organize :
International Cartoon & Carricature Contest
Theme :
Green Optimistic Indonesia
Sub Theme :
1. Illegal Logging
2. Utilization of Peatlands
3. National Movement for Watershed Recovery
4. Plastic Trash
5. Forest and Land Fires
6. Climate Change
7. Enchantment of the Indonesian Environment
One of the best works from each Sub Theme will get CASH
Rp. 5,000,000 & E-Certificate.
2 of the best works (selected from 6 (Six) Sub Theme winners)
Tour packages National Parks of Indonesia
(A round trip tickets, Hotels, Accommodation,during 4 Days 3 Night)
Term & conditions
1. Participants can submit a maximum of 5 worksfor 1 Sub Theme.
2. The work is original and the latest (2019).
3. Size of the image area A4 (21×29.7 cm) or A3 (32 x 48 cm).
Portrait or Landscape.
4. JPEG digital format with a resolution of 300 dpi
5. Send by email to:
6. Include your brief bio, self photo and Bank Account or Paypal Account for administration purpose.
7. All files must be written in English
8. The contest starts on November 20, 2019 and ended on January 20, 2020, at 00:00 WIB (Indonesian hours)
9. Winners will be announced through website:
https://glbudaya.idon Februari 1, 2020
10. Entries shall be the right of contest Organizer and any further use for commerciall interest, the owner of the work will get proper honorarium.
11. Judges’ decisions are absolute and cannot be inviolable.
E-Catalog could downloaded after the contest end up
Further Information :
Email :