Czas tematem konkursu w Syrii

Strona internetowa Syria Cartoon organizuje The 15th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2019. Tematem konkursu jest czas, termin 11 styczeń 2019 roku, tylko jedna praca (!), wysyłka e-mailem. Więcej informacji w regulaminie poniżej.

Syria Cartoon website present

The 15th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2019

T h e m e : The Time
– Each participant can send 1 cartoon only+ ( C.V+ Photo)
Note: Any artist sending more than one work is going to be removed from participation.
A3 (29X42 cm) , 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 11/1/2019
• Prizes: Golden, certificate +Memorial plaque + album
•Silver, certificate+ Memorial plaque+ album
•Bronze, certificate+ Memorial plaque+ album
and 3 Special Prizes(certificate +Memorial plaque+ album).

• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards….etc)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.

• Cartoons must be sent to:

For more details please visit:
Syria Cartoon website
Thank you for participation

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