Cebula oceniał prace w Preszowie
W miniony weekend obradowało w Preszowie na Słowacji jury International Cartoon Competition „Brain Sneezing 2016”.
W skład komisji oceniającej plon konkursu weszli:
International jury of the competition Brain Sneezing 2016 – Presov, Slovakia
– Istvan Kelemen, cartoonist and the organiser of cartoon competitions, Hungary – head of the jury
– Vladimír Kazanevsky, cartoonist, lecturer, Ukraine
– Henryk Cebula, cartoonist and the Pirana gallery owner, Poland
– Karol Čizmazia, cartoonist and editor of the, Slovakia
– Ján Fakla, director of the Kremnické gagy festival, Slovakia
– Fedor Vico, cartoonist, the organiser of the international cartoon competition Golden Keg, Slovakia
– Ivan Hanousek – Head of the jury, the e-GAG editor